Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Good Fats Vs. Bad Fats

Monounsaturated fats, Polyunsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids are all good for your heart and waistline. Monounsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature but may thicken when cold. Polyunsaturatred fats such as most vegetable oils, including safflower, corn, sunflower, and soy oils are typically liquid at room temperature and when refrigerated. Omega-3 Fatty acids are polyunsaturated and found in cold-water fish other good sources are walnuts and flaxseeds. In general, the "bad fat' label belongs to any fat that's semisolid to solid at room temperature such as a stick of butter or the marbling in a steak. Animal products, coconut oil, and cocoa butter are foods thnat are high in saturated fat. Another bad fat, trans fat, is produced when hydrogen is added to liquid oils to make them solid and extend their shelf life. You'll find trans fats in packaged products and just about every food that contains shortening. Here's a handy hint: If you see "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenate" on a food label, put whatever you're looking at back on the shelf. While its not necessary to banish fat from your diet - just make sure to eat good fats.
Rodale Inc

Day 2 Meal:

Meal One: 6 oz. nonfat Greek yogurt with ½ cup low-fat granola, ½ cup raspberries
Meal Two: 2 pieces string cheese and 12 almonds
Meal Three: 4 oz. chicken, 2/3 cup cooked brown rice, vegetables of choice
Meal Four: handful of strawberries, 1tbsp peanut butter, mixed with 8 oz. skim milk (or water) and ½ banana blended shake
Meal Five: 4 oz. baked flounder, 4 tomato slices, 1 cup acorn or butternut squash

Day 2 Workout:

Cardio of choice 45 min
Abs - 15min 10sets of 25 reps(lower abs, upper abs, oblique)
Chest Dips or bench dip 4 MAX
Deep Push ups (with hands on dumbbells) 4 12
Dumbbell Flys 3 10
Bent Over Barbell Row 4 10
One Arm Dumbbell Row 4 10
Upright Row 3 8
If you have access to a chin up bar I strongly recommend you add chin ups or wide grip pull ups as your first back exercise. Chin ups are the #1 exercise for building back width.

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